Cordoba Corporation is honored to announce that the company received the prestigious Jeff Thorson Diverse Supplier of the Year Award at Sempra Energy’s 2018 Diversity & Inclusion Summit on April 23, 2018. The award recognizes a diverse supplier who provides innovative solutions, competitive pricing, continuous improvement and excellent service. In announcing the award, Sempra Energy noted that Cordoba believes in ‘paying it forward’ through long-term, collaborative partnerships that are focused on the mutual success of each team member.” Sempra Energy also noted that Cordoba’s mission to “make a difference where you live and work” is evidenced bythe fact “Cordoba is an active stakeholder within the local communities.”
Cordoba Corporation’s President & CEO George L. Pla and Senior Vice President for Energy Infrastructure Lucy Labruzzo were on hand at the April 23rd Sempra Diversity and Inclusion Summit held in Ontario, California when the 2018 Jeff Thorson Diverse Supplier of the Year Award was announced.

In addition, Cordoba Corporation is pleased to share that it has been featured in the Supplier Diversity annual reports for Sempra Energy’s two California-based public utilities, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) and Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas).
The SDG&E Diverse Business Enterprises 2017 Annual Report/2018 Annual Plan quotes Cordoba’s Lucy Labruzzo, who shares about how the SDG&E Supplier Diversity programs have resulted in significant growth for the firm. Cordoba is paying it forward by expanding its local offices and significantly increasing local hiring emphasizing the mission of Cordoba.
The SoCalGas Supplier Diversity 2017 Annual Report/2018 Annual Plan includes an extended feature about Cordoba Corporation and includes comments from both George L. Pla and Lucy Labruzzo. The report notes that Cordoba and SoCalGas share common goals and cultures of being the best at what we do and making a difference where we live and work, which combined are a “winning partnership.” The report notes that Cordoba is involved with projects that bring local benefits to communities, including job creation and infrastructure improvements to enhance the quality of life. Finally, the report highlights SoCalGas’ sponsorship of Lucy Labruzzo in UCLA’s Management Development for Entrepreneurs program and includes information about Lucy’s experiences in the program.

“We are tremendously grateful to SoCalGas and SDG&E for investing their trust in Cordoba Corporation as a valued partner, and we are truly honored to be the recipient of the 2018 Jeff Thornton Diverse Supplier of the Year Award,” stated George L, Pla. “It is a perfect fit as we share the same values and commitment to making a difference in the communities where we live and work.”
“I am honored to serve as Client Executive to SoCalGas and SDG&E on behalf of Cordoba,” stated Lucy Labruzzo. “We are proud to be associated with these utilities and are grateful they have invested their trust in Cordoba to manage key programs that are focused on safe and reliable gas and electric infrastructure. Our teams are committed to delivering excellent service and technical expertise, and we are grateful that our work has been highlighted in the annual reports and through the award.”
Copies of the supplier diversity annual reports can be accessed at the following links:
SDG&E Diverse Business Enterprises 2017 Annual Report / 2018 Annual Plan
SoCalGas Supplier Diversity 2017 Annual Report / 2018 Annual Plan
For More Information
Contact: Communications Department, Cordoba Corporation
Phone: (213) 895-0224 Email: communications@cordobacorp.com
About Cordoba Corporation: Cordoba Corporation is a statewide full-service engineering, program and construction management firm specializing in the delivery of infrastructure projects in the transportation, education, water and energy sectors, and is recognized